Life Science’s Biology Book between Advantages
and Disadvantages
The educational system in Lebanon, after being improved through the
last part in education has shown a great difference and a great shift from
fact-based curriculum to a more concept-based one. From this point they were
working on a new curricula, so that it depends on understanding and
establishing the explanation from a given figure instead of memorizing, by that
they are working on a higher level of thinking under the title of Blooms
The Center of Educational Research and Development (CERD) embarked
an extensive workshop for assessing and improving the education framework and
curricula that will work on stimulating the creation of students, through
emphasizing understanding. So as a part of the new curriculum, the experts in
this domain were working harder, in choosing figures and skills related to
their academic level, knowing that they’ll be able to master it.
Throughout this research we are going to shed the light on two main
domains, the design of the book as a structure, and the content of this book,
dealing with the skills introduced, national standards of this curriculum,
figures, texts, exercises and many others, where it is important to focus on
both, positives and negatives, and finally the recommendations and few changes
that could be done for the success of this educational process.
So after all this
improvement in the educational process, did the curricula improve to the
maximum or still having few problems that require researches and work in order
to achieve the required success?
Throughout this research we are going to shed the light on the
secondary education, exactly of the third year, the life sciences section. The
book to dissect in this research is the biology book which was published by the
Center for Educational Research and Development, 2002. It is considered the
national book, which is from the new curriculum.
Structure of the book:
According to the design of the book as structure, it’s done with
high quality papers that are soft to touch, interesting to look at, and
relaxing for the vision. This book is a new edition, which must be with less
mistakes, it contains 19 chapters with 392 pages. In addition to that the book is divided into 5
parts, genetics and sexual reproduction, immunology, neurophysiology, systems
of regulation and evolution. Each part is sub-divided into chapters, and the
chapters into activities. All are shown in details in the table of contents at
the beginning of the book. After the table of content, the 1st pat
starts with an introduction and a photo, that allow students to think more and
establish new ideas and questions to be answered throughout this unit, in
addition to the chapters of this unit. Starting with the first chapter, with a
brief introduction and figures that allow student to imagine what the chapter
is about, followed by questions to be solved and understood throughout the
chapter, and finally the titles of documents at the bottom of the page. Each
document starts with a 2-3 lines introduction and many questions raised to be solved, and it is made up of
different figures and little explanation, ending up the document with a yellow
table which consists of many questions answered throughout the figures, and
serves as a guide to the teacher, to follow in her instruction. At the end of
the chapter, a summing up, shows explanation for every single document
introduced in this chapter, followed by a concept map which is a visual summary
for the chapter. Finally an exercises part appears with questions varying from
multiple choices, true/false, labeling knowledge, analysis, critical thinking
and many other types.
At the end of the book, there is about 10 pages section called
glossary and it contains the definition of the main concepts introduced in all
the chapters.
Dealing with the above observations, some are important and helpful
for the students and some are negative and must be changed for the coming
generations. Starting with the papers of the book, they are of good quality and
this is a good point, but this book contains 392 pages which is too heavy to
carry, knowing that this book requires a copy book for the bulk of information,
in addition to that this subject is given 6 periods per week in the ministry of
education, but schools give 7 periods per week, so by that students must carry
this book approximately every day.
Furthermore this book contains 5 parts, in which only four are
taught, and the evolution part is canceled. So they can remove it from the book
to avoid these carriage problems. Moving to the Glossary, which is found at the
end of the book, and I found by chance, knowing that it is important to have it
in every book because it explains the new concepts, but it’s more important the
location of it, so it must be changed to be fragmented, and every glossary
attached to its main document, making it easier for student to focus on.
Content of the book:
According to the curriculum, it’s required to take a look on the
CERD standards in order to teach this book, but what was observable is that
some of the standards required in the CERD aren’t given in schools, so whose
fault is this! For example, the population genetics is included in the
curriculum and canceled in the teaching process. So instead of focusing on such
unwanted standards, they can work harder to improve the required ones.
The passage through the lesson starts by introducing the lesson and
by that triggering the cognition of the students, encouraging their
participation, by that they’ll be wider thinkers and know what they’re
responsible to do. After that we can
observe the figures introduced, these figures are essential in the process of
learning, since at this level grade, students are the facilitators who explain,
and here the role of the teacher is to guide them. So the lesson is made up of
figures experiments that are highly applicable, since students can work on, and
simplify through different skills such as analyzing, describing, and interpreting.
An observable point in this book was the figures, in which all the skills could
be applied on the same figure. For example, page 114 the first figure which is
about the different types of skin graft, the explanation of this figure can be
done through different levels of thinking such as analyzing, interpreting,
hypothesis, and the process can vary from the low level of thinking to the
higher one, knowing that the book is designed for the student to explore the
documents, and establish the information, and after that there is a summing up
at the end of the chapter that explains the documents and the main concepts
introduced. In addition to the important way the exercises are stated, in which
they are varied from one type to another, for example, this figure about skin
graft is shown as a table with different experiments as one type to work on,
and through the exercises, it is given in a different way in a graph form. One important
point here is that in the document for example they introduce about one blood
group type, and in order to insure that students understood it, an exercise was
given at the end of the chapter, containing a table with all types of blood
groups to show the acceptance and the rejection of the blood transfusion.
This book, from an exercises point of view, it’s a rich one, in
which every document carries different questions under the title of probing the
activity and this simplify the method of explanation, moving to the exercises
at the end of the chapter, this bulk of exercises that vary to all the levels
of thinking, in which we can observe
questions that check for memorizing, such us true/false, multiple choices
question, matching and others, in addition to higher levels of questions that
require thinking and more creation.
Throughout this year of grade 12, different teachers teach
different ways, some teachers pass on the chapters as they appear in the table
of content, while others prefer to join related ones together such as the unit
of reproduction and genetics with the chapter of birth control. Furthermore,
some of the information such as lymph node is given in this book, just passing
on without figures and important explanation, so teachers pass on without
concentrating on, and one of the official exams carry a long question about it,
so the students get confused, and didn’t know what to do.
Finally, the most negative aspect in this book, is that all the
students will have by the end of the year an official exam and teachers focus
on dictating the answers from the teachers guide, knowing that it’s not their
fault, since the exams are corrected according to the law of all or none, so
all students must write the same answer of the answer key, by that allowing
teachers to focus on memorizing instead of creating and understanding.
In order to improve this educational process, it’s required to
focus on this curriculum so that we can reach the highest levels of
understanding, with the right to express in the way they understood, not
similar to the answer key. So experts must take into consideration the
following recommendations:
- Adding a concept map at the beginning of every chapter so that
the students will know the itinerary, and where the lesson is going, in
addition to changing the concept map at the end of every chapter into a summary
- Removing the unwanted chapters such as the evolution in which
it’s found through all the editions, and usually they print it for no important
purpose, knowing that if we said that students can read it for general information,
exactly in this year they have no time for such a purpose. It must be removed so that students don’t
carry this heavy book, or another solution for the bulk of chapters and
activities that are cancelled is substituting it with extra exercises, for students
to work on as a guide for them to improve their skills, or it can be by selecting
the nice questions from the official exams and adding it to the book so that
students can practice more without the need to buy extra guides to improve.
- with respect to the time given for this subject, which is 6
periods per week, which is very little for the whole of the year, some schools
are giving 7 periods per week and they aren’t enough to cover the required
content. So it’s necessary to find a solution, either through reducing the
amount of content required, or by giving it extra time from other subjects.
- Glossary is stated at the end of the book, and this is not
efficient, since no one will look for it, and none will observe its presence,
so it’s better to state related definitions with their related document, by
that it will be easier to understand.
- But as I remember when I was in grade 12 is that the teacher in
her first period, wrote on the board “Law of all or none” to inform us that the
goal of this book is to memorize because in official exams they correct
according to one common answer from all student and this minimize the
creativity of students, so this must be changed since one question, may carry
many and many different answers.
Finally I found this book interesting to deal with, with its bulk
of figures and documents; related to students level, but it must be
revised first with respect to time, because these interesting documents and
huge number requires more than one year, if we want to focus on covering and
understanding at the same time. In addition to that the way this understanding
is evaluated is wrong, since all students are valued to one limited answer and
this will kill the student’s creativity.
It is really a perfect thing to assess a book to see the advantage and disadvantage of it and to perfect points to change this book to the best curriculum that leads to critical thinking